Viagem EcoAventura aos Açores 2014

“Global Warning” foi o vídeo vencedor da categoria “Grande Prémio” da 4ª edição do bgreen // ecological film festival realizado por um grupo de alunas da escola Ole Vig Videregaende, da Noruega. Os vencedores do Grande Prémio foram premiados com uma viagem EcoAventura...

Eco-trip to the Azores 2014

“Global warning” was the winner of the bgreen // ecological film festival 4th edition’s grand prize. This film festival aims to raise young people’s awareness to the urgency of one’s active role regarding environmental issues through the use of video spots as a tool...

bgreen’s 4th edition Award Ceremony

Bgreen’s // ecological film festival 4th edition Award Ceremony will take place June 6th around 9 p.m. at Fábrica de Santo Thyrso in the city of Santo Tirso. This is the culmination of a project that involved hundreds of youngsters and achieved its main goal: to raise...