Bgreen: a successful project!

It is with great satisfaction that the municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão associates itself to another Bgreen – Ecological Film festival Gala, a grand initiative by OFICINA Vocational school that has counted on the support of the municipality since the beginning.

We are before an educational endeavor whose success is undeniable: with a history of 13 years, bgreen has had the participation of 31 countries, 800 schools and around 12 thousand students.

These are numbers that confirm the professionalism of the festival but most of all that represent quite well the way in which young people are mobilized and aware of environmental issues.

Therefore, it wouldn’t make sense for a municipality like Vila Nova de Famalicão – which strives on a daily basis to build a more sustainable and ecological territory – not to be part of this successful project. We are increasingly committed to ensuring we leave a better planet for coming generations and bgreen – Ecological Film Festival is a great partner in this grand challenge.

Thus, congratulations to the bgreen team and to all the participants of this year’s edition.

Mário Passos

The Mayor of the Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão