Bgreen // ecological film festival is an ecological video spot competition promoted by OFICINA - Professional School whose primary goal is to raise young people’s awareness on environmental issues through the creation of video spots.
Smart Solutions, Green Future
Smart Solutions, Green Future'' is this year’s motto. Thus, BGREEN aims to draw attention to the binomial: Artificial Intelligence / Ecological Intelligence - What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence in our lives? Technological evolution is taking us down completely new paths that will mean profound changes in our society and it seems to be leading us away from our origins. This new reality brings us to several questions: Do we value Nature’s intelligence? Do we explore the solutions that Nature provides? With this year’s theme, the objective is to appreciate ecological intelligence that seeks sustainable and environmentally-friendly solutions. Ecological intelligence does not reject technology but searches for balanced solutions trying to promote what’s best in both technology and Nature.
Mensagem do Sr. Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Famalicão
Bgreen: um projeto de sucesso! É com grande satisfação que o Município de Vila Nova de Famalicão se associa a mais uma Gala Bgreen - Ecological Film Festival, uma grande iniciativa da OFICINA - Escola Profissional que conta com o apoio da Câmara Municipal desde a...
7 de Junho, Grande Gala BGREEN
É já no próximo dia 7 de junho pelas 21h00, no Colégio das Caldinhas, que vamos ficar a conhecer os grandes vencedores da 13ª Edição do bgreen // ecological film festival. Países como a China, o Equador, a Croácia, o Chile, a Malta, a Itália, a Espanha, a Alemanha e a...
Finalistas – Prémio Padre Alphonse Luisier 2024
É com grande entusiasmo que divulgamos a lista dos vídeos finalistas ao Prémio Padre Alphonse Luisier! O bgreen // ecological film festival agradece a participação de todos! Conheça os finalistas aqui.
É com grande entusiasmo que divulgamos a lista dos vídeos finalistas! A pré-seleção dos vídeos foi efetuada com base num conjunto de critérios presentes no regulamento, tais como criatividade, originalidade, mensagem, impacto social e ambiental, entre outros. Todos os...
Message – The Mayor of the Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão
Bgreen: a successful project! It is with great satisfaction that the municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão associates itself to another Bgreen – Ecological Film festival Gala, a grand initiative by OFICINA Vocational school that has counted on the support of the...
June 7th, BGREEN Grand Gala
We will get to know the grand winners of the 13th edition of bgreen // ecological film festival on June 7th at 21h00 at Colégio das Caldinhas. Countries like China, Ecuador, Croatia, Chile, Malta, Italy, Spain, Germany and Norway will be present at the 13th edition’s...
It is with great enthusiasm that we unveil the list of the finalist video spots! The preselection of the spots was based on a set of criteria present in the rules and regulations, such as creativity, originality, social and environmental impact and innovation, among...
13th edition BGREEN – “What goes around comes around”
Bgreen // ecological film festival is a grand international project which has already had the participation of 31 countries throughout its twelve editions. Bgreen festival consists in the production of video spots, created by students aged 13 to 21 on...
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