Bgreen relaunches its 10th edition!
After the cancellation of the 10th edition in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, BGREEN is back to keep fighting for a more just and ecological world. Giving voice to the hundreds of students and teachers is BGREEN’s mission and also a way to, in such hard times, stay together and strive for a common cause: caring for our Planet.
In this edition we will be keeping the theme of Sustainable Consumption. Under the motto “Earthability: Changing Minds, Changing Habits” we plan to focus on the skills human beings must develop to deal with the Planet in a sustainable manner.
Participants can address a variety of themes associated with sustainability, such as: mobility, programmed obsolescence, biological food, fair trade, circular economy, efficient resource management, equalitarian goods distribution and conscious consumption, among many others. Participants can also join the competition using the spots they weren’t able to submit in 2020.
We remind all participants that BGREEN is comprised of two categories: BGREEN JUNIOR – for students aged between 13 and 14 years old, attending the 8th and 9th grade or equivalent in Portugal; and BGREEN – for students aged between 15 and 21 years old, attending secondary studies or equivalent.
In order to participate, just get together a group of up to 4 students and a teacher that will be responsible for the group and create a video spot (with max duration of 45 seconds) on any environmental issue that may or not be connected to the year’s specific theme.
Video spots can be submitted via the official website at until April 19th, 2021.
The grand prize is an Eco-adventure trip to the Azores!
For more information, check out our website at or contact us via our e-mail address or our telephone number (00351) 252 830 900. Remember to also follow us on BGREEN’s Facebook and Instagram.